Janis Fullilove is like a cat with nine lives. She has used several of them up lately though. She will get a reprieve politically, but I think her chances with the law have finally played out. I think she might be going to jail. Her troubles have gone beyond the city limits and have become the concern of the state. In addition to the paparazzi news coverage it has attracted. Plus the water cooler conversation. All of which take the favor factor out of the equation. In light of her latest legal troubles. Some citizens are screaming for her ouster from the City Council. Which isn't likely to happen. I wouldn't blame Janis if she didn't resign her seat. With all the question marks surrounding her and her prior history. The voters shouldn't have elected her in the first place. Since they already have. The city just has to wait on her like they did with Ophelia Ford. Who btw just received her lawyer fees to the tune of $107 thousand. Like they have in the past. This to shall pass. Janis is going to work it out.
I believe in giving people second chances but Janis is out bof chances. She holds public office and like others in politics and the police should be beyind reproach. Sure, no one is perfect but for Janis to doa ll this in less than 1 year to me says alot about her as person and her character or lack there of.
She deserves jail time, if she doesn't get it what does that tell the normal citizens of this city.
Anyone else and we would ahve been locked up months ago.
The time for feeling sorry for her is passed, she should do the right thing and resign but she won't. She'll probably fight her arrest over her so called lost license and blame it one somebody else.
Why should she resign? Look at former Mayor Wyeth Chandler. He was a known womanizer and drunk.
I know Janis knows Common and maybe she is reading this blog.If she is I just want to say. You are not the first to make a mistake. We love you and have you in our prayers.
She's not the first but it's not like she made one mistake. In total this is her fourth at least in 7 months. Do we wait for her to kill someone before there is any outrage.
She's had 3 DUI's plus she commttted fraud in obtaining another license. I think she's had her chances and blew them and is now making a mockery of her position and the city of Memphis,
Why are so many people complaining about Janis? I am not a fan of hers, but I recall Michael Hooks, Sr. getting a pass when he went to rehab. Surely everyone remembers how he cried at that infamous County Commission meeting. The CA all but reported that Hooks was living (and freebasing) in the garage of his home on Cooper.
I've returned to the Memphis area in late 2005 after being away for 22 years so I'm not familiar with alot of the happenings.
The only way I know any of these Memphis politicains is from what I have read or heard.
My take on any politican, police officer or person of authority is that they should all be held to a higher standard than the average citizen. Persons on the commission and city council are serving for the people of this city then they should be beyond reproach and held to a higher standard. If any person can't do that theyn they shouldn;t be in that position.
I will say the same thing on this blog, that I would say to Janis face to face. Why would she listen to me when the citizens continue to give her a pass? I have always and still feel she is best on the radio. Her gift of gab and intellect benefit her listeners. Her personal demons and character flaws don't hurt anyone there but her. She is a kind hearted person. Unfortunately to a fault.
My rule of thumb as far as electing public officials goes. "Anybody that is always at the casino bares watching." We're focusing on the drinking, when the gambling is just as bad.
The gambling is primary. The drinking is secondary. Apparently she can't stay out of Tunica because she can drink at home in Memphis.
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