Race Card On The Road

I don't think his opponent (Steve Cohen) has anything to do with this. He might just be the recipient of a unsolicited gift. He is arrogant and trusts his Base enough to think he can win outright. I just think it's unfortunately coming to a head at the most inopportune time for Herenton. As I have often stated ."I don't think Herenton will do any time." He covered his tracks with Elbert Jefferson. This will be like when City Councilman' Scott McCormick's architectural firm earned several million dollars through city contracts. It was unethical but not illegal.
He carefully chose his words and not one time used black or white. But you would have to have an IQ of 80 or less not to be able to read between the lines. Some people seem to think this is Herenton trying to gain public support, but I think it's just part of his campaign strategy. If the FBI doesn't make anything stick, it will only make his claim credible. If they do it will seem like he was setup. Since it has been working for him so far, why not keep it going. He has took the race card on the road.
I do not think Herenton ever wanted the Congressional seat. A person had to have an IQ of less than 80 to not know Herenton was the target of the grand jury hearings. This was his plan all the long in the case an indictment came his way.
I hope we're wrong, but I must admit, The same thing crossed my mind.
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