
Saturday, January 29, 2011

Where It All Got Started

I know Antonio 2 Shay Parkinson is pandering to his constituents so I'm not shocked at his comments. He was elected to his office with 353 votes. His community activism amounts to organizing a couple of block parties for peace and a mayoral debate. What do you expect to happen when all the shoppers move away? Raleigh Springs Mall is a victim of the same plight as Frayser  and other similar neighborhoods all over the city. A former viable working class community has been transformed into what we have now due to government intervention. Someone once said "the only government that can give you everything, is one that takes everything in exchange". Government intervention is where it all got started.


  1. Hi, um, "Common". It's difficult to determine the validity of your complaints with Parkinson's representation, or your belittlement of the depth of his community activism, without knowing what YOU have done. I would suggest that your blog would be more meaningful if you weren't anonymous or pseudonymous.

  2. truth_is_truth9:25 AM

    2shay is nothing more than a rapper who is trying to use political power to increase his own net worth. At his block party he charges local performers $250 to perform even though his website says $25 to enter. And, that is just one example of how shady his dealings are. A qucik search of will yeild 3 CD's one of which is "club,thugs, sex, and drugs". His last CD "welcome to ridgemont" was being performed up until 2008! In addition, he lied about his child abuse charges when asked if he had been chrged with a crime by the commercial appeal. We really need to look closer at the people we elect, or slip in by default in this case.
