
Thursday, June 16, 2011

Should Not Have Resigned

Twenty years ago this issue would have never gotten off the ground. Rep. Anthony Weiner would have been just someone else getting his kicks and talking dirty over the phone. He never even touched the girl who caused all this trouble in the first place. Now we even have a former Wasn't that par for the course? In the days of social networking and camera phones nothing is above the radar these days. Every conversation and picture you've ever taken might end up in the wrong hands.

Weiner is the sacrificial lamb for the Democratic party. In the past it was the all accepting group. They welcomed Muslims,homosexuals and even convicted embezzlers.You can hide a $100,000 bribe in a freezer but you can't take a nude picture of yourself. I don't agree with either one but one is no worse than the other. Congressman Weiner shouldn't have resigned.


  1. This is yet another reason:

    Friday, June 17, 2011
    Weiner eligible for million dollar pension
    Despite resigning from Congress former Democratic Rep. Anthony Weiner is still eligible to receive his pension which totals over $1 million

  2. Anonymous4:29 PM

    This off the subject, but I see you have no updated post of Ed Ford, JR. I just wanted to know is he still with this non af. am. girl, which is 27 and I think someone said her name is Erica or something? Will you find out if that is true, bc I am not anti-ford, but I dnt care for the outside dating race. Thanks!
