
Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Not Happening

Blacks are going to have to stop biting off their noses to spite their face. You can't keep trying  to fight the white man when it's other blacks  who are hurting you.  We have people who have made a career of making excuses for their out of control cousins. Not ever expecting them to be their neighbors or in their neighborhood. Minister Carson might talk crazy on the radio, but he has a good job He doesn't live in the hood. He makes enough money to move to the suburb. But  where ever you go, eventually they'll be there.

I was talking to a friend who was telling me about someone we know who had been burglarized. This family had lived in this house for forty years and never had a problem  They got some new neighbors two months ago and last week their house was ransacked. He was all fired up and ready to lead the posse. Until I pointed out that was the purpose of Mississippians passing the "Castle Law". Then he wanted to pump his brakes. The same frustrations blacks feel, whites feel too. Instead of living  in a state of siege. They just changed the law.

Attorney General  Eric Holder is just blowing smoke. His latest statement is too little too late. The jails and prisons are already overcrowded. If sentences aren't going to be commuted. That won' t do much to ease the prison population. What was the last you heard about Trayvon Martin? I think this was meant to take attention from that.The DOJ is backing down. They don't want to start that fight. White citizens aren't going to repeal the laws they passed. To appease the people they were created for in the first place. It's not happening.