
Tuesday, November 28, 2006

God Isn't Through With Me Yet, But The Caucus Is

Up until this point, Nancy Pelosi has a 50/50 record. That's not so bad, depending on which side you're on. Was it due to her influence, or the lack thereof? Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), the house Democratic majority leader in congress. Had a say in one, but not the other. Her influence wasn't successful in getting John Murtha (D-PA.) elected, to Majority leader in the Senate. But it was instrumental in Keeping Alcee Hastings (D-FLA) out. As leader of the "House Intelligence Committee". He expected to step right in, as the second highest ranking Democrat on the committee. Instead they have chose to use an indictment issued prior to his run for congress. Charges of which he was acquitted. But still impeached from his position as a judge. Why start there ethics reform here? Considering their handling of ethics issues in the past. Why become so ethical all of a sudden? Do I detect dissension in the ranks?

I think this administration will be a wakeup call for some. Especially in the Black community. I know it's revelation for others. It has been and will be, in my case. To the unwelcome surprise of many. The Democratic party is not the second coming, for the Black community. Elite White Democrats, don't care for Blacks anyway. They just use them for their votes. To accomplish their agenda. The usuall outspokrn 'Black Caucus' isn't saying very much. It wouldn't matter if they did anyway. I don't think the majority would be listening. If you ask me,I think they are preparing for the bumpy road ahead. I have a feeling, this won't be the last surprise. After finding out that he wouldn't get the nod. Rep. Hastings was quoted as saying. "To all the haters, God isn't through with me yet".Maybe God isn't, but the caucus is.


  1. Anonymous2:17 PM

    Someone finally brought this up. This racism at the top level. Blacks need to be upset.

  2. Anonymous1:43 PM

    Why aren't the democrats raising saying"?

  3. Anonymous1:41 PM

    I finally heard a liberal faintingly mention this. They don't want to talk about this subject. It doesn't sound good.

  4. Rep. Silvestre Reyes has been pegged for the job. I think this is designed to attract Hispanic support. Blacks are already in the bag.The reason Nancy Pelosi used for not choosing Rep. Hastings doesn't hold water. If they were concerned with appearances. They have chose Barney Franks, to head the Financial services committee.
