
Wednesday, November 08, 2006

I Don't Blame Him

I know the Democrats are dancing in the streets. They have blamed this man from the beginning. For the condition of the troops, in the war in Iraq. Eight retired generals have asked for Donald Rumsfeld's resignation. I don't blame him for stepping down. I wouldn't subject myself to the abuse either. Why walk into the fire, holding sticks of dynamite? Surely it's going to explode. I wouldn't want to have to deal with a collective group of people, who oppose my position. Even with just the fact, that I hold the job. I think Mr. Rumsfeld looked at the situation ahead, and decided it wasn't worth the trouble. Former CIA director Robert 'Bob' Gates has been pegged to take over. The voters seemed to have spoken decisively. They wanted to get the Republicans out. To appoint a new Defense Secretary, would definitely signal a change in direction. For the sake of clarity. He wasn't fired, he resigned.


  1. It was a matter of time, especially after the mid-term elections Tuesday.

    Rumsfeld's exit surprised many

  2. Blinders Off,

    He didn't want to bother. I'm eager to see what the Democrats are going to do now.

  3. That was a smart move on the presidents part. The ball is in the Democrat's court now.

  4. Anonymous4:48 PM

    He should have gotten rid of him a long time ago. The damage has already been done.

  5. I think if Rumsfeld chose to stay. The president would support him.

  6. Anonymous4:51 PM

    It's already too late. The danage in Iraq has already been done.
