
Saturday, November 04, 2006

Jake Ford On Andrew Clarksenior

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Between the three candidates in the race. Jake Ford was the only one. Who refused to accept the invitation. I wonder what his reasoning was? He could have really scored some brownie points here. This would have been the perfect opportunity, to make his positions known. That's what most people have against him anyway. If he wants to address the issues. I would expect him to seize this chance. To quiet all the naysayers. Could it be that he doesn't really have one? His campaign has largely been centered around attacking Steve Cohen. I find it interesting, that many of his supporters took time to call the show. Asking Cohen to come on another show. Where he wouldn't get a unbiased interview. None of them bothered to explain his refusal to come. O think he is afraid to be questioned by himself. His campaign has largely been centered around attacking Steve Cohen.


  1. Anonymous2:07 PM

    ? ?

  2. I talked to one of the Jake Ford insiders. They didn't provide an adequate excuse, why he didn't show.

  3. Anonymous7:33 PM

    He didn't show because he didn't want to be grilled.Andrew won't be a walk in the park like the other debates.

  4. He didn't give a concession speech either. Unlike his older brother, he didn't exhibit class. He acted like the unqualified thug. He has been accused of being. It's unfortunate he acted that way. He should have at least thanked his supporters.

  5. Anonymous5:31 PM

    The Blacks in Memphis are the laughing stock of the country. With a predominate Black population.They don't have Black representation in congress.
