
Saturday, November 04, 2006

Steve Cohen On Andrew Clarksenior

Mr. Cohen is a true politician, in every sense of the word. He lived up to his reputation, as a tenacious, skilled debater. After conversing with him today. I am somewhat proud of myself. I can truly say,"I can hang with the best of them". His camp isn't to shabby either. They waited until after early voting was over, for him to come on WREC. They tend to have a more informed audience. Than the other local radio stations. He would have been asked the real questions, like he was today. As usual he danced around certain issues, with long pointless diatribes. What does President Bush, have to do with the 9the district? Congress has 435 members. If he wins he will only be one. He can't do anything by himself.Most of his campaign promises are just fluff. Not to be confused with things he can really accomplish.

It was somewhat of a rushed format I thought. Those people who disagreed with senator Cohen, were held to a strict time limit. They were only allowed to ask one question. I got him to inadvertently admit his support, of same sex-marriage. It's either or, there's no in between. I had another question. I wanted to know his position on immigration. I'm sure he had a flaky position on that issue as well. As I said earlier,"each debate makes him look worse. For those that support him. He did a fine job. As for me, I wasn't impressed.


  1. The next time he says he doesn't support same-sex marriage. It's not reflected in his vote. Here is the proof.

    The resolution passed 29-3. Voting “no” were Cohen, and senators Joe Haynes (D-Goodlettsville) and John Ford (D-Memphis).

  2. Anonymous1:33 AM

    I wonder how he felt about being dissed, when the ex-president was in town?

  3. Anonymous7:31 AM

    Everybody has endorsed him. I think he will win hands down.

  4. Anonymous 1:33,

    The Fords dissed him, but not the star of the show. Bill had his back.

  5. Anonymous 7:31,

    There aren't enough Union members in Tennessee for Ford to win the senate seat. That strategy might work in Memphis though.

  6. Anonymous4:41 PM

    I don't understand how someone could vote yes to amendment one, then turn around and vote for Steve Cohen.

  7. Congressman Cohen,Won by a landslide margin. He won by more than both his opponents together. It's apparent the same-sex issue didn't matter.It passed overwhelmingly, but it didn't count against him. I was looking at the news earlier, and this came to mind.This man gets a new commercial every night. When they post the winning lottery numbers. You can't help but think of him.

  8. Anonymous5:35 PM

    Tennessee should be proud. We are the only state that got it right.
