
Saturday, November 04, 2006

Stacking The Deck

Surely the Democrats don't think anyone is falling for this tactic. Since their was a record turnout in early voting. Which usually favors the Republican candidates. There are already claims of voter irregularities. The election is not even over. We don't know who the winners are yet. Thirteen voter smartcards have somehow already come up missing. We should have expected as much. After the outcome of lawsuits for the August elections.Instructions on how to manipulate or alter the Diebold voting machines. Have been plastered all over the internet, for the last three months. A couple of minutes and a screwdriver, are all that you need. The election commission states "the cards can't be activated". Once they've been used before. There is supposedly a website available. Explaining how to reactivate the cards. Don't you find that convenient?

I wonder where those precincts are? In a predominately Democratic district I bet. I don't think these are the same people guilty of the infractions before. This is more than likely a copycat. Surely they wouldn't be dumb enough to try it again. Especially not the same thing. The elections are only as honest as the people who participate. I wrote a blog earlier talking about this same thing. Check it out It talks about the lawsuits filed, by losers of local races. All the way to how to hack the machines. Just like they tried to stack the deck then. They're trying to do the same thing now.


  1. Anonymous4:09 PM

    I think they feel like they might be losing.Other than by getting fewer votes.The election could easily be lost. Like the one in 2000.

  2. This is a sad commentary, on the voters of Memphis. The election is only as honest, as those people who participate. This just shows we're in the midst of criminals. These people aren't operating by themselves.
