
Monday, November 13, 2006

K-Fed Not Ex-ed Soon Enough

If you ask me, the marriage should have never got off the ground. It was doomed to begin with. Kevin Federline had an ongoing relationship, with actress Shar Jackson. Not to mention she also was pregnant, with their second child. He dropped Shar like a hot potato, when Britney came on the scene. I didn't feel sorry for Ms. Jackson then. I don't feel sorry for her now. I don't blame K-Fed he was just making it, do what it do. This time he did it to Britney.

Don't paint Ms. Spears out to be a helpless victim here. This whole thing wouldn't be happening, in the first place. Had she exercised some common decency. She is just as guilty, if not moreso. Than everyone else involved. Her abundant success and wealth. Was the driving force, behind the betrayal. She is rumored to be worth $130 million. Prenuptial or not, she won't get away scott free. She was aware of his living situation. How he abandoned the other mother and children, and hooked up with her. She went ahead and married him anyway. He went through her money, like a hot knife through butter. He has a reputation of being a big spender. Now they both are filing for divorce. Two children and two years later, the ride has come to an end. If Britney had it to do all over again. She would have ex-ed Mr. Federline before now.


  1. Anonymous12:26 PM

    He might get about 30 million dollars.That's a whole lot of money.For knocking them boots.I would have done that for free.

  2. Anonymous2:52 PM

    She looks sexy in that picture. All that baby making female gone to waste.I would have been taggin that nite and day.Kevin Federline is one stupid man.She is just another meal ticket now.

  3. Anonymous11:32 PM

    She should have did it before she made the video. Anonymous you might get to see her in action.
