
Sunday, November 05, 2006

Mark White On Andrew Clarksenior

I'm sure by now it's obvious who I support. I'm not overly optimistic about his chances though. It's going to be an uphill battle. Yet we still forge ahead. In hopes of making a difference. Knowing all power put in place, is allowed by God.I was impressed with his appearance on the show. He answered all the questions asked, with conviction and sincerity. It makes it easier when you stand for something. You don't have to remember what you said, when you tell the truth. A characteristic which both his opponents lack. All of the naysayers didn't give him a chance. They didn't even bother to ask him any questions. Probably out of fear of uncovering their candidates. The lines should have been hot, in such a heated race. The thing that bothers me most. He has the unenviable position of being #2, on too many lists. Some voters are saying,"If I didn't vote for him, I'd vote for you". Coming in second only counts, when you're running in pairs.


  1. In my opinion I think his campaign was somewhat successful. He doubled the amount of Republican votes cast in the entire primary. I think that's pretty good.

    I found it interesting the way Blacks, preachers, high profile politicians and all the other voters. Swept certain issues under the carpet. In spite of being a Republican. With this city being the religious center that it is. He should have won, on principal alone. It just shows we have a lot of hypocrites.

    I think Mark White was a nice guy. That might be the problem. He was just too nice. With the shaky backgrounds of both his opponents.He needed to be more aggressive. He had nothing to lose. He didn't have votes to start with. He still probably wouldn't have won. He would have left a more lasting impression.

  2. Anonymous5:21 PM

    I heard you on Andrew today.I must say I agree with you and Andrew on this one.
