
Sunday, November 05, 2006

What Goes Around, Comes Around

I'm sure Saddam Hussein, never expected this day to come. When he was ordering one-hundred fifty people of Dujail killed, supposedly for attempting to assassinate him. They make up only a small number, of those he has executed. He probably didn't expect to be judged for his indiscretion. Especially not one as small as this one. Compared to some of the larger mass killings.Up until this trial, he pretty much went unchecked. Prior to his capture. He was a blood thirsty, ruthless dictator. Killing countless Iraqis on a whim. Whenever he took a notion. On Sunday he was sentenced to be hanged for his crimes. The Shiites and Kurds, were dancing in the streets. They have reason to be happy. I think they appreciate the American troops. Tens of thousands of them have been killed at his behest. They better celebrate while they can. Their celebration might be short lived. The Sunni who are largely responsible for the violence in Iraq. Based on the verdict, are expected to retaliate.

Saddam Hussein has a chance to do something, most people don't. Most of us know not the hour, or the day. We will take our last breath. We can't even pray for forgiveness. Which is what Saddam should be doing right now. Currently his life is flashing before his eyes. Giving him the unique opportunity to have 20/20 hindsight. He has plenty of time to discover. Whether or not the things he has done. Are responsible for him being in this shape. If all goes as planned. He will have thirty days to appeal the decision. After then, sentence will be carried out. Unlike here in America, a death sentence doesn't take twenty years. It's ironic that he now wants to acknowledge God. Had he done this in the first place. He wouldn't be in this predicament now.

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  1. Anonymous7:36 PM

    It's always quiet before the storm. I'm expecting trouble.
