
Monday, November 06, 2006

Now, This Is Tacky

I don't know exactly who is responsible for this, but it's really tacky. If this is the work of the RNC. They ought to be ashamed. This ad is befitting some of the accusations made, about earlier campaign ads. This ad is scraping the bottom of the barrel. I think both candidates are better than this. They have both done enough otherwise. To not have to sink to this level. That's what happens with a small leak. When it's not fixed. It eventually becomes a floodgate. Every bad thing that's tucked away, is going to come out. This could have really happened, but what does it matter now? One good thing about all of this for Harold Ford. Is what he hasn't been called. The young single Congressman hasn't been accused, of being a homosexual. In today's political climate,that's a good thing. It's a shame, it has come to this.


  1. I guess it worked.

  2. Anonymous5:14 PM

    This is tacky.
