Another Straw On The Camel's Back

When your partner in crime gets caught it's usually just a matter of time. Especially when they're willing to turn over the goods on you. These guys aren't hardened gangsters, they're just old men who don't want to go to jail. If given the chance to cut their time. What do you expect these people to do? One third of this scandalous trio has admitted his guilt. Joe Cooper a mainstay around Memphis politics pleaded guilty to 1 count of money laundering today. He was originally charged along with councilmen Edmund Ford and Ricky Peete. They still maintain their innocence. His admission of guilt doesn't do much to help their case.
Some people have hinted they expect Edmund Ford to maybe be acquitted. Based on Ricky Peete's past history, everyone has pretty much wrote him off. They believe he did it whether he admits it or not. Much to his credit though. I haven't heard him say he didn't. But I can't say the same about Edmund Ford. He has been pointing his fingers and running his mouth every since this thing started. I haven't heard him lately. I think someone told him the more he says the more he'll have to prove. They're just giving you enough rope to hang yourself.
It doesn't look to good for Edmund and Ricky. It's a shame Edmund has got himself in trouble. He's a talented embalmer.
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