Friday, June 13, 2008

Itching Ears

I worried myself about why seemingly intelligent people, couldn't understand the simplest of things? But then I noticed when they didn't have a logical answer or response. They simply made something up, or moved on to something else. So they obviously knew they were wrong. It wasn't that they didn't know any better. They just had itching ears. For cases like that I started this recurring post to document some of these far left conspiracies .

Today I heard someone say the A.I.D.S. virus was created in a laboratory by the government, and President Bush hid the cure in tapes that were stored in the Twin Towers. When the Republicans arranged to blow up the towers, of course the tapes were then destroyed. Now we're to believe the A.I.D.S virus was created by Republicans, and President George Bush has the cure under wraps.


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