Sunday, September 14, 2008

Bill O'Reilly For Something

I know this guy doesn't have time to work on John McCain's campaign, but I hope they're watching his show. He's too busy ripping the opponent new ones on his television show. And I'm sure the compensation package doesn't compare. His ratings this week have gone through the roof. If it wasn't for Obama being on camera agreeing to do so after the primary. I bet he wouldn't have honored this commitment to Bill O'Reilly. That had to be one of the longest interviews he has ever had. At least I'm sure it felt that way. I think his debates with John McCain will be more of the same.

As I listened and watched with an open mind. Afterwards I was even more confident that I was right all along. Bill O'Reilly exposed the fact that one on one debate is O'Bama's weakness. Untilm now he has been untested. I could see it in his eyes he was thinking. "This is the effect Joe Biden was supposed to have on the Republicans." Once again he was beaten to the punch. Bill O'Reilly jokingly asked him for a job if elected. Another question Obama danced uncomfortably around. If for no other reason than to keep him quiet. He should hire Bill O'Reilly for something.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I watched the majority of the interview and thought Obama handled himself well.

It doesn't change my mind in that I still wont vote for him but I thought he did okay. He is somewhat long winded so I understand O'Reilly having to interject and lead hima round a bit.

My biggest problem with Obama is I don't agree with him on taxes, health care and don't think he can pull off most of what he proposes without significantly rasiing taxes even on the poor and middle class.

6:25 AM  
Blogger Common said...

I think he behaved like a two year Senator going up against a pro.Barack is good at giving speeches. His debating skills have never been tested.

I like the way the analyst said it best."Obama can't answer a question with less than 50 words. " John McCain is a commander, Barack Obama is a constitutional lawyer."

11:37 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The last couple of years is when I started to realyl get into politics. I retired from the military in 2005 and although I followed what I could, I didnt have nearly the time I have now to follow it.

No doubt O'reilly is a pro and although I dont agree with him on everything I think he has been one of the fairest in the news media regarding politics. You clearly dont know which side of the fence he is on compared to Olberman and Mathews, NBC and MSNBC and some of the other networks.

I'll defintely be watching the debates alot closer

12:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I thought he did okay. But then again, I'm one of the few who never thought Obama was a great orator; he's too stiff.

11:35 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

He stutters to much with his uh's and ah's. If he has a speech impedement that would be one thing but he is to long winded, doesnt answer the questions and does not do well unscripted

3:22 PM  

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