
Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Isn't This Double Jeopardy

I think O.J. Simpson was given a raw deal this time. Whether or not he did it, he was acquitted. He is not supposed to be tried again, for the same crime.This is nothing more than a modern day lynching. They've been doing it with the courts. Now they're doing it with the media. I'm not one to play the race card, but this time it's inevitable. This is nothing more than the White American affluent citizenry. Having an issue with an affluent American Black. Taking advantage of the same judicial system. That they have always used themselves.

I know some people don't believe in the great hereafter. If nothing else works before then, that surely will. If he did it, he'll get his eventually. It's no longer left up to a jury. The Fox television network has pulled the plug, on the entire project. Citing public disapproval, as a reason. There goes a guaranteed $3.5 million down the drain. I wonder has the book already been written. I didn't jump on the bandwagon during the trial. I was prepared to accept the verdict. Unlike many other observers. Now that he has been found not guilty. The man should be allowed the freedom to pursue opportunities. Like everyone else that's supposedly free in America.


  1. Anonymous8:06 PM

    America will never let him live Nicole's death down.Though it doesn't matter now.I think he is guilty.

  2. Anonymous8:07 PM

    How bout them *Cowboys*
