Will It Really Matter

I bet this will be some of the longest six days of Ms. Fullilove's life. Not only will it reveal who was at fault in the accident . It will also tell whether alcohol was involved or not. Janis has in recent years claimed to be a recovering alcoholic. The saddest thing in this whole matter is a little girl was hurt. Janis is trying to divert the focus to the child as it should be. Omari Flemming and Channel 3 aren't having that. They're on this mission to expose the truth. Which is supposed to be a new sources main objective anyway.
I depend on WREG for fair and balanced local reporting. Some of the other stations have gotten to chummy with certain news suppliers. They let gossip fuel their interest. Almost to a point of dictating what is or isn't news. If certain stations don't cover this story, it won't be news to some people. That's something else Janis is hoping for. As long as it doesn't go any farther than it has. To those voters who live in her district. Will it really matter?
That spitball Thaddeus is milking this story for all it's worth. He is supposed to have the pictures, but he hasn't posted them.
Janice doesn't look like that picture. The drinking and late nights at the casino have taken their toll.
Thank God, the little girl is okay.
Now that we know that. I think the police report will have less of an effect.
Fullilove will seek therapy for medical problem
By Amos Maki
Originally published 11:37 a.m., May 12, 2008
Updated 02:39 p.m., May 12, 2008
Memphis City Councilwoman Janis Fullilove today said she will seek therapy for an undisclosed medical problem.
Fullilove, who was involved in a late-night wreck May 2 in Tunica County, Miss., that injured a child, said she does not have a drinking or gambling problem.
“I am here today to let my friends and constituents know that I am having some real tough personal medical challenges right now,” Fullilove said during an interview at City Hall. “These challenges are to the point where I am going to seek help.”
Memphis Mayor Willie Herenton, a constituent and longtime friend of Fullilove’s, sat in on the meeting and offered advice to Fullilove, telling the former TV and radio personality when to not answer questions.
“I really feel encouraged that she is recognizing that there are some challenges, we all have different kinds in our personal life,” said the fifth-term mayor. “We love her and we are going to work with her and pray for her and she is going to be the highest caliber representative we’ve had in this district.”
“Seek help means therapy for what ails me and I will be doing that very vigorously,” said Fullilove.
Fellow Councilwoman Wanda Halbert said she will support her friend and co-worker.
“When you are elected to a legislative body, you become family, and my colleagues and I on the council love Councilwoman Fullilove dearly and we support her and will support her every step of the way,” said Halbert. “I think we want to make sure that we don’t speculate what her medical conditions are. It doesn’t matter what they are. She needs that support.”
No charges are being filed against Fullilove in the May 2 accident. Fullilove was reported heading north in U.S. 61 when she collided with a southbound vehicle attempting to make a left turn.
Fullilove was also arrested in DeSoto County on March 21 for refusing to take a breath test.
She was stopped by deputies while traveling east on Interstate 69 west of Interstate 55 after a concerned motorist called authorities.
I-69 is one of the favored routes to and from Tunica from the middle of DeSoto County.
“I don’t want to talk about any of those issues because my attorney is handling that particular issue and I’d rather not say anything,” said Fullilove.
In 1999, Fullilove pleaded guilty to drunken driving after being pulled over by police responding to a call from a concerned motorist.
Her license was revoked for one year and she was placed on probation for 11 months and 29 days. She also was fined $360, charged $162.75 in court costs, ordered to perform 20 hours of community service and to attend alcohol safety school.
Fullilove has also recently displayed unusual behavior in meetings of the Memphis Charter Commission, of which she is a member. At least twice Fullilove has appeared very confused in the meeting before breaking into tears and leaving the room.
“Keep me in your prayers so that we can move this city forward and this city can be the city we all know and love and I can be the representative you voted for,” Fullilove said today.
It won't matter.
Fullilove pleads guilty to DUI
Medication and not alcohol is blamed
By Yolanda Jones (Contact)
Memphis Commercial Appeal
Originally published 01:00 p.m., June 19, 2008
Updated 01:00 p.m., June 19, 2008
Memphis City Councilwoman Janis Fullilove pleaded guilty Thursday to driving under the influence of medication in DeSoto County last March and was fined $700.
Fullilove appeared in DeSoto County Justice Court in Southaven with her attorney, Lucius Edwards of Hernando.
The charge was unrelated to a traffic accident in Tunica County last month in which a child in another vehicle was injured. Fullilove was not charged in that accident, according to the Mississippi Highway Patrol.
In the March incident, Fullilove was arrested by DeSoto County Sheriff’s deputies after a traffic stop on Interstate 69 during which she refused a DUI test. She spent five hours in the county jail.
Her driver’s license was confiscated by deputies, and Fullilove subsequently applied for a duplicate license in Tennessee.
Fullilove did not comment after she entered her plea Thursday, referring questions to Edwards.
“Pleading guilty was the best thing to do in this situation because my client is taking medications that impacted her judgment,” Edwards said. “I want to state for the record that she was not found guilty of driving under the influence of alcohol, but driving under the influence of another substance, and that substance is her medication.”
Edwards said Fullilove was taking the medication for an undisclosed medical condition.
She was ordered to pay a $700 fine and Tennessee officials will decide the status of her driver’s license, Edwards said.
The Tennessee Highway Patrol is investigating Fullilove for possibly falsifying information on a driver’s license application. After her license was confiscated, she applied for a duplicate license in Memphis. However, Fullilove did not mention the DUI charge when she applied for the duplicate. She said she had lost her original license.
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