Thursday, August 28, 2008

Giving Out Good Vibrations

Let me first say I was honored to witness the historical event of a black man for the first time accepting the nomination for president, by a major political party. It was planned I think that this speech would be delivered on the eve of the anniversary of the famous march on Washington. The date is the only thing between the two speeches that resembled each other. Even though I don't support his views. I am still excited about a black man making it to this point in the political process. This amounted to basically a feel good speech for the Democrats though. Finally after fifteen minutes of salutations and giving shout outs. He laid out a vague plan giving an overview of his vision for this country. When you just do simple math. It sounds real good, but it's not practical.

In his speech he had something for everybody to anticipate. For another ten minutes he blamed everything bad on George Bush and Republicans. That seems to be a catch-all phrase at this convention. Then he said " let me tell you what change looks like." Still not quite explaining what he plans to do to turn things around. He laid out what was supposed to be a ten point plan. From the unemployed auto worker to the family members of a soldier killed in Iraq. He promised to offer every example of hardship he could think of, some kind of relief. Even I was caught up in some of the promises that he made. I like the part about lowering taxes and saving on insurance rates. That's just the good part though. I guess if I had selective hearing like some people. I wouldn't pay attention to the part about tapping the oil reserves and giving immigrants amnesty. Or the fact that he hasn't said what middle class is yet. I would get caught up in the hysteria too.

The people at this convention all seem to understand what's happening. After listening for the last few days, now I think I have it too. Everything revolves around oil and it's production. When we become independent of foreign oil sources. We no longer have to involve ourselves in the diplomatic affairs of others. Supposedly we will be free from all military obligations. And we can bring our troops home to stay. But it's naive to think that if we mind our business, no one will bother us. Complacency indicates weakness to the enemy. In order to make all this work on behalf of America. Then we're going to give everybody jobs making alternative fuels and the cars that burn them. That's where these 5 million new jobs are coming from. Thus killing two birds with one stone.

He ended his speech with a series of compromises and untruths. If you were right about your positions at first. You shouldn't be so willing to meet the other side half way. That means you were wrong all along. I know when life begins; it's at conception. And conception starts with the fertilizing of the seed. I know the difference between a man and a woman; so I'm not confused about the definition of marriage. Gun control won't stop the criminals from getting guns. That's just going to create another underground market. So I know how I feel about gun control. I wasn't sold, but I'm a hard sale. The rest of the country isn't that tough though. If he can keep the party going, he'll be the next president. This guy can move the crowd. He's giving out good vibrations.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It wasn't even the best speech of the convention. Hillary and Bill's were better.

2:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Obama did what most politicians do, promise the world. How many have acutally came through on all there campaign promises or even half really?

6:10 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I been thinking the exact opposite; I've never thought Obama was that great of an orator, but I thought his speech Thursday night was excellent. Many elected republicans thought so, too -- if Pat Buchanan gives you two thumbs up, you must have done something right. I didn't hear Obama mention a gun ban, he just said that AK-47s should be taken out of the hands of criminals. I agree; only military and law enforcement need assault weapons.

Now as far as realities go, he knows he can't pay for all of this. McCain will have the same problem as well.

9:59 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Exactly, I didn't say just Obama becasue both sides do it and will alwasy do it.

For Obama to increase spedning but proprse a tax decrease for all middle class is impossibel it would seem.

How do you give free health care but cut taxes. Sure he'll tax the hell out of the rich but that wont be enough.

If elected he'll just do a "oops my bad, we're in worse shape than I thought so I have no choice but to rasie taxes, sorry, blame it on Bush".

I'm sure that will be his favorite speech as POTUS, everything will be blame it on Bush, not my fault.

3:26 PM  
Blogger Common said...

Anonymous 3:26,

Interesting point. In spite of the terrible shape Bill Clinton left this country. George Bush has never blamed him for anything. He just went to work.

3:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well I only say that becasue that has been the Democrats central theme. I have no doubt that if we had not went into Iraq this country would be in a whole lot better shape finacially.

I don't understand how Obama can repeal the Bush tax cuts, give the middle class a tax break and pay for everything he plans.

6:08 AM  

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