Dog Whistle Racism
I hope this doesn't backfire on the defense. Once it was revealed that Rachel was an unreliable witness they should have took her off the stand. Public sentiment has switched to feeling sorry for Rachel as opposed to the fact that the prosecution has no case. The racial climate in America is fragile these days. With the Paula Deen thing and all. The media is just getting around to calling this a racial issue. For blacks this was always racial Someone other than a black killed another black. They've switched the focus from Trayvon Martin and George Zimmerman to Rachel Jeantel and Don West. The fact that the witness is uneducated and has a poor background has nothing to do with the facts in this case.
This does bring light to a different issue though. I've been talking about this for years. Don Wext' daughter posted a picture on Instagram that blew "politically correct" people's cover. She isn't old enough yet to know you can't say everything to everybody. Even if you're telling the truth. Those who are able to recognize it are outsiderized by everyone else. If you don''t pull the race card on everything you are soft. If you don't agree with the crowd, just don't say anything at all. If you bring it up around whites, you're called a troublemaker. Rachel Jeantel doesn't even realize she's prejudice, but Molly West is too. The people holding these two to different standards are part of the problem too. The new word for racism that slides under the radar is called dog whistle racisn.
The judge is right in this case. The family is in the courtroom on behalf of this callous killer. They might be bad seeds too. This reminds me of the Betty and Malcolm Shabazz case. . The boy did the same thing to his grandmother. They need to destroy this demon seed right now. Don't allow it to multiply. Even in the bible. God gave the order to Saul to destroy the Amaleks completely. Even the newborn babies. So that makes the case for trying this young man as an adult. Any ungrateful heathen that sets his mother on fire because he used his computer after he was restricted from using his cellphone. Doesn't deserve rehabilitation. They definitely don't need to reproduce. Lock him up and hide the key